What We Offer

The Flowers

Sustainability of flowers is very important to us at Which Flower Florist. Roughly 80% of flowers sold in the United States are bought in from other countries. By growing our own flowers, we are gain a deeper understanding of our flowers needs and support our local pollinators like bees and hummingbirds through the use of organic gardening methods. We provide our customers with the chance to buy locally grown flowers instead of commercially grown or imported flowers. Customers can join our CSA (Community Supported Agriculture) Membership to further support our efforts. 

Growing Practices to Keep Pollinators Safe

At Witch Flower Florist we use organic means to battle the bugs that target our blooms. We release ladybugs, praying mantises, and green lacewings to control the population of bugs that would otherwise feast on our precious flowers. While this method is not 100% it does ensure that our garden is a safe place for pollenating insects and birds.

Community Supported


Community Supported Agriculture is an old tradition that allows the customer to buy into a vegetable crop or flowers ahead of the season. The funds are used by the grower to purchase seeds, soil, tools, compost and any other items that will ensure a successful harvest. By purchasing a membership to the Charming Blooms Society, you are not only ensuring that your flowers will be beautiful, but you are also supporting a local small business. Bouquets for members are filled with the best blooms and are often filled with a few extra flowers. 

*Memberships open in December and at the end of May.